Returns & Exchanges
You can exchange the products you purchased from with another product within 30 days from the order date or request a return within 15 days.
To start your return or exchange process, please inform us by sending an e-mail to to notify us.
After notification is made, please place the product you want to return into its undamaged, original packaging, without removing the tags, and package it safely adding the invoice sent to you when you received your package.
For international orders, the customer is responsible for the shipping fees of the returns/ exchanges.
Return and Exchange Conditions
Returned or exchanged products should be in their undamaged original box and unused.
Any tags shouldn't be removed.
Refunds are made in 10 week days beginning on the date your returned product depending on your bank. After the status of returned product is examined, you will be informed via e-mail. Refund will be made in the same method you use while you purchased the product.